GMP Equalisation Guidance on Conversion – launch webinar Friday 9th July

Join us from 10am-11am on Friday 9th July for the launch of the new GMP Equalisation Guidance on Conversion.

Hear from our experts as we cover:


Exclusive launch of GMP Equalisation Guidance on Conversion

Alasdair Mayes, Chair of the GMP Equalisation Conversion sub-group will present the new Conversion Guidance. Alasdair will explain how GMP conversion is being used in practice, which schemes might find it attractive, the opportunities for simplification and some of the pitfalls to watch out for.


An update from the Chair of the GMP Equalisation Working Group.

Geraldine Brassett leads the industry wide GMP Equalisation Working Group and will discuss details of what’s in the pipeline on topics including Transfers, Communications, Administration, Anti-Franking and more…


Our panel welcome any questions you may have in advance of the webinar. You can also submit questions live on the day.

Bring a coffee and a biscuit and let us share what we’ve been working on.

We look forward to welcoming you.

The session is expected to last around 60 minutes and there will be an opportunity to participate in a Q&A session following the presentation.

If you would like to attend, please register for the webcast using the button at the top of the page.