Engagement & Communications Working Group (EnComWG)


The EnCom WG will consider and, if appropriate, respond to any proposals related to the engagement and communication of pension savers. The group will also consider and provide direction on how to improve engagement and communication on pensions administration issues with trustees, sponsors and others with responsibility for the governance of pension arrangements.

This includes all types of pension arrangements, including, but not limited to, DC, DB and CDC, trust-based and contract-based, occupational, personal, master trusts and buy out schemes/policies.

The group will consider the wider implications of upcoming policy initiatives which are expected to impact administration in the context of engagement and communication with savers.  This includes the DWP call for evidence on DC decumulation.

The EnCom WG was previously known as the Benefit Statement Working Group and the output from this period is included below.


December 2021 – Statement Season supplementary paper

September 2021 – Initial PASA paper on Statements Season

Working Group announcement press release – August 2021


Kim Gubler (Board Sponsor)

Karen Bolan (Chair)

Rosie Kwok 

David Rich

Russell Whitmore (Cushon)

Julie Wright (XPS Pensions Group)

Rob Cochran

Mark Cunningham

Louise Harris (Willis Towers Watson)

Andrew Worthington (Sackers)

Ashley Threadgold (Heywood)

Dave Crofts (AJG)

Karen Edwards (NHS Business Services Authority)

Laura Johns