Dashboards Toolkit

As with any new initiative, trustees and providers are continually learning as they work through their dashboard’s preparations.

PASA has produced a significant amount of guidance covering matching, value data and connection readiness. But we know further help on implementing dashboard responsibilities is needed.

In order to deliver the best saver experience it’s important to ensure the way data is presented on a pension dashboard is done so with consistency of approach(es). Achieving this consistency also helps those designing and delivering front end dashboards.

A good user experience isn’t just driven by the data displayed on a dashboard, but their end-to-end dashboard journey. Equal focus is needed on operational readiness and protecting the day-to-day administration service after the Dashboards Available Point (DAP).

In response to this need for practical help, PASA is developing a ‘Dashboard Toolkit’. This isn’t Guidance but is designed to help industry collectively achieve the above objectives. We expect to add to the toolkit regularly and we’ll let you know as and when new content is added.

We want this to be the industry’s resource, so please do send us generic FAQs which we’ll try and address. Unfortunately we’re not able to answer scheme specific issues. If you can include suggested solutions or possible ways forward, those are welcome too.

The content of the toolkit is detailed below.


  • checklist of activities to consider when connecting using the single source approach
  • AVC Questionnaire where AVC Provider connects directly to the pensions dashboard ecosystem
  • list of AVC providers detailing PASA’s current understanding of the connection method(s) supported by each provider. Schemes should check the position with their providers before undertaking any work to connect AVCs to pensions dashboards. This list will be updated as we engage with more providers so please let us know if you are working with any which aren’t currently listed

We’d also recommend setting up an AVC tracker.  There are potentially several considerations when implementing AVCs for one provider and this becomes more complex where an individual scheme has multiple providers. It may therefore be useful to set up a tracking spreadsheet to monitor responses and the status for each AVC provider.

Questionnaire from trustees to AVC providers connecting scheme AVCs to dashboards – October 2024

Summary of AVC Provider approaches as at 7th October 2024

AVC checklist for administrators – October 2024