Consultation Responses

May 2024

May 2024 – PASA response to the HMRC Consultation -Raising standards in the tax advice market – strengthening the regulatory framework and improving registration

January 2024

January 2024 PASA response to the DWP Call for Evidence: Looking to the future: Great member security and rebalancing risk (pot for life)

September 2023

DWP Consultation response: Ending the proliferation of small pension pots

DWP Consultation response: Helping savers understand their pension choices – September 2023

March 2023

March 23 – DWP Consultation ‘Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards and disclosures (VFM) framework’ – response

February 2023

February 2023 – FCA and PDP Dashboards Consultation response

August 2022

August 2022 – PDP Dashboards Standards consultation response

July 2022

DWP Call for Input – Helping savers understand their pension choices

DWP consultation – pensions dashboards: further consultation 2022

May 2022

FRC Consultation – Proposed revision to AS TM1: Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations

April 2022

FCA Consultation – Pensions dashboards: proposed rules for pension providers CP22/3***

March 2022

DWP consultation on draft Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022

December 2021

TPR and FCA Value for Money Discussion Paper response

September 2021

DWP Consultation response – Stronger Nudge to guidance

August 2021

DWP Consultation: The Occupational Pension Schemes (Collective Money Purchase Schemes) Regulations 2021 – PASA response

July 2021

DWP Consultation – Future of the defined contribution pension market: the case for greater consolidation – PASA response

TPR/FCA Call for Input – Pensions Consumer Journey – PASA response

DWP Consultation – Permitted charges within Defined Contribution pension schemes – PASA response

June 2021

The stronger nudge to pensions guidance – FCA Consultation CP21/11

May 2021

TPR Consultation – Combined Code of Practice May 21 – PASA response

August 2020

Pensions Dashboard Programme Data Standards Call for Input – August 2020



Charge Cap Review – PASA August 2020 FINAL

December 2019

DWP Consultation on Simpler Annual Benefit statements – PASA response

January 2019

Pensions Dashboards Consultation – PASA response