What we do
The PR Committee sets the promotional strategy for PASA and co-ordinates the activities required to effectively deliver it. Our key responsibilities are:
- Developing and maintaining a rolling promotions strategy for PASA, including PASA events and PR
- Setting and regularly reviewing objectives and budgets for our appointed PR adviser
- Working closely with the Industry Policy Committee to ensure PASA’s voice is effectively heard within our industry
- Co-ordinating PASA spokespeople and supporting all PR activities undertaken on behalf of PASA
- Maintaining the PASA website
- Leading PASA social media activities
- Designing and publishing PASA promotional materials
- Editing the PASA newsletter
Our principle achieve
- 2018 saw the highest level of press activity since PASA was created – enabling PASA to deliver the message of high-quality pensions administration to the industry.
- Development of a digital promotions strategy in support of promotional activity and to stay in touch with our members
- Organised PASA’s biggest ever Industry event to launch our first tranche of GMP Guidance
- Organised PASA’s 1st and 2nd annual Administration Conference
Our current focus and plans for the future:
- Maintaining a strong media profile for PASA
- Developing our 2019 promotions strategy in conjunction with the PASA Board and Industry Policy Committee
- Supporting #GetInvolvedOctober
- Planning and organising our next PASA event
- Justine Joy (Chair)
- Susan McFarlane (Deputy Chair)
- Lucy Collett
- Hayley Mudge
- Grace Lyon
- Allie Taylor