Since the Lloyds Bank judgement was announced in October 2018 pension schemes have wrestled with how to communicate to members. It’s a hard balance to strike between communicating too little where members aren’t informed and communicating too much where members might get the impression that GMP Equalisation will have a bigger impact on their benefits than is actually the case.
In August 2020, the GMPE Communication subgroup produced Guidance for schemes in the early planning stages of GMP Equalisation where they are considering how they will approach their communications, how they will work actively with their administrators, and what they really need to say to their members.
September 2021 – GMPE Communications Guidance – Implementation Stage
August 2020 – GMPE Communications Guidance – Early Planning Stage
September 2021 – GMPE Communications Implementation Guidance launch
Lou Harris (Chair) (Willis Towers Watson)
Jane Beverley (Law Debenture LLP)
Johanna Clarke (CMS)
Joe Craig (Quietroom)
Tracey Dalman (Capita)
Shaun Gunner (Willis Towers Watson)
Bill Mexson (Siemens)
Katherine Robertson (Siemens)
Mark Williams (Buck)
Kirsty Macdonald (CMS)
Michael Bendall (Mercer)
Samantha Marshall (Mercer)